Figura reclinada sobre un costado (Reclining figure on the side)

Kenneth Armitage
I Exhibition (1973-74)
Further information
Loaned by the British Council of Barcelona, returned after the Exhibition.

“The British Institute of Barcelona contributed two important pieces – Bernard Meadows, with his “Standing figure with arms”, bronze 1962; and Kenneth Armitage, with his “Reclining figure on the side”, bronze 1958-59. Certain common features in the expression of these figures and in the slenderness of their limbs give these two pieces of work a sculptural air of family, based, moreover, on a candour which may have its origins in the animal kingdom, especially in the case of Bernard Meadows, who has dealt with it extensively.”

Westerdahl, E. (1973). La 1ª Exposición Internacional de Escultura en la calle, en Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme, ISSN 1133-8857, Nº. 99. Número dedicado a los parques naturales, 47-50.

“Bernard Meadows was represented by his Standing figure with arms, a bronze sculpture from 1962, loaned by the British Council of Barcelona. Kenneth Armitage’s Reclining figure on the side, also in bronze from 1958-59, also came to Tenerife thanks to the kindness of the same organisation.”

Hernández Perera, J. (1996). Dos décadas de Esculturas en la Calle. En A. Carnero, D. Duque, & C. Schwartz, Iª Exposición Internacional de Escultura en La Calle (págs. 25-54). Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Cabildo Insular de Tenerife. Área de Cultura. ISBN: 84-87340-63-6

“Both loans by the British Council, Standing figure with arms (1962) by Bernard Meadows (b. 1915) and Reclining figure on the side (1959) by Kenneth Armitage (b. 1916), are part of the rich dematerialising and dramatic current active in England between 1945 and 1970.”

Pérez Reyes, C. (1996). Reflexión sobre lo visto y lo vivido. En A. Carnero, D. Duque, & C. Schwartz, Iª Exposición Internacional de Escultura en La Calle (págs. 65-76). Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Cabildo Insular de Tenerife. Área de Cultura. ISBN: 84-87340-63-6

“The British Council of Barcelona sent two pieces, also figurative, stylised and representative of a non-classical version of the human body confronted with the idealised tradition of the Renaissance: Reclining figure on the side (1959, bronze) by Kenneth Armitage and Standing figure with arms (1962, bronze) by Bernard Meadows. “

Fernández Lomana, M.A. (1996). De la conmemoración al homenaje. En A. Carnero, D. Duque, & C. Schwartz, Iª Exposición Internacional de Escultura en La Calle (págs. 87-108). Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Cabildo Insular de Tenerife. Área de Cultura. ISBN: 84-87340-63-6